The Supported Wage System is a process that allows employers to pay a productivity-based wage for people with a disability that matches an independently assessed productivity rate.
Most Australians with disability participate in the open workforce at full rates of pay. However, some people are unable to find or keep a job at full wage rates, due to the effect of disability on their workplace productivity. To support workers and employers, the Australian Government has in place a system whereby independent assessors are available to conduct workplace productivity assessments for employers who wish to employ people with a disability under the Supported Wage System provisions.
A person is eligible to participate in the Supported Wage System if:
- the job under consideration is covered by an industrial instrument or legislative provision which permits employment for productivity wages under the Supported Wage System, and
- the person is an Australian citizen or is a person resident in Australia whose continued presence is not subject to a time limit imposed by Commonwealth law (eg a temporary visa), and
- the person is at least 15 years of age, and
- the person has no outstanding workers’ compensation claim against the current employer, and
- the person meets the impairment criteria for receiving the Disability Support Pension.
Employers can apply for the Supported Wage System directly through the Supported Wage Management Unit for their state, or through a Disability Employment Services provider, Job Services Australia provider or Remote Jobs and Communities Program provider.
Want to know more?
- visit the JobAccess website
- call the Supported Wage Management Unit in your state on 1800 065 123
- read the Supported Wage System fact sheet.