Helping you find the right people in the right jobs for your business to thrive.
Whatever your business size, the team of professionals at Jobmatch Employment understand how important it is to find the right fit of employees for your business. We also know that recruitment can be a timely and costly exercise – but our employment services, including recruitment – are FREE to you.
Recruitment assistance
We get to your know your business needs and determine your requirements.
We can assist you with work trials at no cost to your business to ensure they are the right fit.
We screen, interview and shortlist candidates to save you time.
Specialist employment knowledge
We can explain and manage the government wage subsidies and financial assistance which might be available to you for appointing our clients in ongoing roles.
We can provide training and awareness programs to you, your wider team and company management.
We can help you access workplace modifications to your work environment to accommodate and retain employees with a disability.
Maintaining your productive workplace
We offer post-placement employer support to make sure you, your team and your new employee are happy together, long term.
We advise on important employment matters, like induction programs, buddying, mentoring, flexible work environments and training.
If we identify skills gaps, we can co-ordinate your new staff member’s training to make sure they are the perfect fit for your business.
We can provide workplace relations and human resources management guidance, and liaise with you and your worker’s support network (eg. GP, health services and/or family) if required.
Did you know?
1 in 5 Australians are living with a disability. That means 2.2 million Australians of working age have a disability, 80% of these are invisible. Chances are, you are working with at least one person with a disability - you just don’t know it. Disability isn’t what you think!